
Adults May Also Have ADHD : ADHD test, ADHD Quiz

May 31, 2023

How many adults have ADHD?

Images of various people. 2.5-5% of adults worldwide have ADHD.
Image by freepik
One of the biggest misconceptions about ADHD is that it's something that only children have, but adult ADHD is not uncommon, with estimates ranging from 2-5% worldwide.
In this article, learn the differences between adult and childhood ADHD and take the Adult ADHD test to check for symptoms.

Why adults may not realize they have ADHD symptoms

Illustration of a girl with childhood ADHD.
Image by freepik
Many adults have ADHD but don't know it. The main factors are undiagnosed and changing symptoms.
Children may be diagnosed at school, at home, or by a professional, while adults may go undetected because they hide it or don't know they have ADHD.
The main difference between childhood and adult ADHD is hyperactivity. As adults, children with ADHD tend to be less hyperactive and develop symptoms such as attention deficits and planning.

ADHD Test For Adults

The test below uses the WHO-recommended Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS) v1.1 screening tool. For each item, please select one of four options: "Not at all" (0 points), "Rarely" (1 point), "Sometimes" (2 points), or "Often" (3 points), and then sum up.
The screening test for adult ADHD
I handle easy tasks in a disorganized manner.
I have trouble meeting deadlines or being absent.
I find it difficult to complete tasks.
I engage in unnecessary time-wasting activities.
I make impulsive commitments or plans that cause problems.
I work at a very slow pace and have difficulty getting things done.
I prefer not to delegate tasks to others or try to do them my own way.
I find it difficult to come up with solutions to problems.
I dislike batch processing and prefer simple tasks in the moment instead of following a structured process.
Even when engaged in other activities, my attention shifts to new tasks.
Test Result Interpretation:
Below 20 points: Low likelihood of ADHD.
20 or more but less than 25 points: Possible ADHD.
25 or more points: High likelihood of ADHD.
The results of an ADHD test are not a substitute for a professional diagnosis, so if you suspect you have ADHD, we recommend that you consult a professional. An ADHD test can be a good first step in the suspicion phase before seeing a professional.
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